


艾尔顿主教高中很高兴根据学业成绩颁发奖学金. 没有单独的应用程序. All applicants are eligible and are considered based on their HSPT score and review of their full admissions application packet. 如果学生的分数达到下面列出的百分位数,则不能保证奖学金, 因为需要对申请进行全面审查. 每年只提供一定数量的服务, 如果学生获得了奖学金,他们将在录取通知书中得到通知. These scholarships are renewed each year as long as the student maintains their GPA and student conduct.
标准* * *
99th HSPT的百分位数
98th HSPT的百分位数
97th HSPT的百分位数




  • 阿曼德年代. 罗德里格斯纪念奖学金

    阿曼多S的目的. 罗德里格斯纪念奖学金是为了纪念艾尔顿主教校友阿曼多S. 罗德里格斯(1988年BI). 阿曼多是一个有成就的学生和摔跤手,他对这些追求充满激情, 充满活力和感染力的微笑. 更重要的是, 他是一个有伟大信仰的人,也是一个慈爱而忠诚的儿子, 哥哥, 他在艾尔顿主教学校期间的孙子和朋友.

    阿曼多是国家荣誉协会的成员,也是大学摔跤队的队长. 毕业后,他搬到科罗拉多州上大学,并一直留在那里. 在20年成功的电信事业之后, 他成为了一名中学教师和青少年摔跤和足球教练. He followed his passion and influenced the lives of thousands of young people in the community he was so proud to call home. 尽管他为他的学生和运动员付出了时间和精力, 他把最好的留给了他可爱的妻子和可爱的儿子. 他们是他最大的快乐,他是他们的一切.

    这笔奖学金是由阿曼多的家人慷慨提供的, 以前的同学和队友, and his many friends to recognize the qualities that enabled Armando to be a success in life – hard work, 自我牺牲, and dedication; a deep love for, 以及对, family and friends; an awareness of, 以及对, who he was and where he came from; an unwavering faith – all done with a spirit of joy and a smile on his face.  

    奖学金将每年颁发给一名符合条件的学生,金额为1,000美元. 它对即将入学的新生和艾尔顿的在校生开放.
  • 艾尔·史密斯神父奖学金

    The purpose of the 艾尔·史密斯神父奖学金 is to honor former Bishop Ireton teacher and moderator Father Al Smith, OSFS. He taught biology at Bishop Ireton from 1965 to 1979 and moderated and coached the swim and dive team. 最著名的是,他领导并与学生音乐团体“野牛”一起表演.

    父亲奖学金认可并鼓励参加BI游泳和潜水队. 奖学金是基于需要的,并为网络彩票平台学生提供部分支持.

    通过BI游泳和潜水校友和朋友的慷慨提供, the scholarship continues the tradition of excellence in swim and dive at BI and honors the faithful service Father Al provided during his time as coach and moderator.  才有资格获得这项奖学金, students must be current students at Bishop Ireton; they must have participated in the BI Swim and Dive program; they must have demonstrated financial need; they must have demonstrated merit, 努力, 体育精神和对社会的奉献精神.  The 艾尔·史密斯神父奖学金 is chosen by the BI Swim and Dive Coach in conjunction with administration and goes towards BI tuition. 该奖学金没有申请流程.
  • 弗拉卡索家庭奖学金

    马克和米歇尔是三个艾尔顿主教学院毕业生的父母, 亚历山德拉08年, 马特的13, 安娜16岁. 最小的孩子毕业后,弗拉卡索夫妇设立了一个奖学金基金 弗拉卡索家庭奖学金. This scholarship fund is a need-based scholarship and is awarded annually to a deserving current Bishop Ireton student or students. 它帮助支付学费,使天主教教育成为可能. 该奖学金没有申请流程.
  • 加伍德·惠利音乐奖学金

    加伍德·惠利音乐奖学金是为了纪念加伍德·惠利博士而设立的. 盖伍德惠利, 艾尔顿主教学院的前教员和BI管乐团的名誉指挥. 
    惠利奖学金是由乐队总监选出的优秀奖学金. 该奖学金颁发给管乐团中具有音乐才能的成员, 创造力, 热情, 以及对卓越的渴望. 没有申请流程.
  • 克雷格·穆恩少校和马里昂·穆恩纪念奖学金

    感谢亚历山大市的教育馈赠, 这项学费奖学金是由马里昂·穆恩慷慨提供的, 一位受人尊敬的女商人和慈善家, 2024年4月1日去世的人. 她以她的儿子,美国空军少校克雷格·穆恩的名义开始了这项奖学金. 克雷格是弗吉尼亚州亚历山大人,是一名退休的美国军官.S. 空军战斗机飞行员,后来成为会议货运服务公司的总裁. 他是酋长, 战斗与情报, 监视和侦察计划, 空军国民警卫队行动计划和执行部, 空军国民警卫队准备中心, 安德鲁斯空军基地, MD, who earned his commission as a graduate of the University of Maryland ROTC program in 1982 and earned his MBA from Eastern New Mexico University in 1994. 他是一名指挥飞行员,大约有2,飞行700小时, 货物, 教练机, 他驾驶T-37, T-38, T-33, f - 111 A / D / E, F-16, A-10和RC-26B飞机. Major Moon served as Vice Chairman on the Board of Directors for NetTalon and was a Board of Trustees member-elect of Fork Union Military Academy. 家庭、高尔夫和跳舞是他的爱好. 他是Old Dominion Boat Club的成员,也是Messiah United Methodist Church的成员. 克雷格于2009年3月29日去世.  

    This scholarship is given to a student who qualifies for demonstrated need for financial assistance and who is active in extracurriculars and athletics in Alexandria. 该奖学金没有申请流程.
  • 马克·弗拉卡索奖学金

    马克·弗拉卡索(Mark Fracasso) 2008年死于一场悲惨的事故,当时他是艾尔顿主教学院的二年级学生. 他死后,他的父母马克和米歇尔·弗拉卡索以他的名字设立了一个奖学金基金. Mark was dedicated to music as a trumpet player when he was accepted into the prestigious Wind Ensemble as a sophomore. 每年, on Mark's birthday (September 24th) the school has a dress-out day and all funds raised go to support the 马克·弗拉卡索奖学金 Fund. 那天早上送孩子的时候,管乐乐团为他演奏. 每年, a deserving student from the Wind Ensemble is awarded a scholarship through the selection of the Wind Ensemble Band Director. 该奖学金基于以下最低标准:

    1. The student has completed their freshman and sophomore years at Bishop Ireton and will be enrolled in the Band program for the next year.
    2. 他们参加了艾尔顿乐队的课程和活动.
    3. 他们表现出的优点和努力得到了网络彩票平台管乐团总监的肯定.

  • 罗伯特·波拉德奖学金

    “大鲍勃”波拉德是一个温和的巨人. 在他大三和大四的时候, 他带领篮球队赢得了几个赛季的胜利, 其中包括1984年和1985年的州天主教锦标赛. 他在场上具有统治力,在得分和篮板方面都领先全队. 毕业后, 鲍勃获得了哥伦比亚特区大学的篮球奖学金. It was there that Bob’s life ended tragically while playing the sport that he loved due to a undetected medical condition. 罗伯特·波拉德奖学金是以他的名字设立的,旨在支持贫困学生. 为了有资格获得这项学费奖学金,学生必须证明以下内容:

    • 参加网络彩票平台的多项运动
    • 成为一名即将升入大二、大三或大四的学生
    • 通过学校或教堂积极参与社区服务
    • 通过事实证明经济需求和完成财政援助申请
    • 保持平均绩点2分.5岁或以上

  • 罗纳德·L. Umbeck奖学金

    罗纳德·L. 乌姆贝克奖学金表彰艾尔顿主教前教师罗恩·乌姆贝克. Mr. Umbeck taught mathematics at Bishop Ireton for more than 50 years and had a member of every graduating class from 1968-2020 in one of his sections.  He was dedicated to his subject and came almost every morning to sit by the math support center and assist students and staff as needed - even after his retirement. He moderated the It’s Academic team for more than 50 years (the longest serving coach on the TV show), 并在2019年获得了索菲·奥特曼年度最佳教练奖. Ron was also an avid trumpet player; he was a member of several local bands and spent his weekends teaching music to Catholic elementary and middle school students whose schools did not have music programs.
    这个奖学金是为了纪念罗恩·乌姆贝克而设立的. 符合条件的学生将对数学的研究有所了解, 在艾尔顿主教学院从事艺术工作的学生将获得额外的优先权.

    1. 即将升入艾尔顿主教学校的大四学生
    2. 学生的总平均绩点保持在3分.到大三第一学期结束时达到75人
    3. Student has demonstrated merit and 努力 in his/her studies as identified by the Bishop Ireton Mathematics Department, 在美术系的协助下, 并经政府当局确认.

  • 肖恩·奥马利奖学金

    The purpose of the Sean Michael O’Malley Memorial 奖学金 is to honor former Bishop Ireton student Sean Michael O’Malley (’85-’86). Sean was a fierce competitor who participated in both the football and wrestling programs at Bishop Ireton. Sean's family and friends created this scholarship to honor Sean by providing a scholarship to a male student who exhibits Sean’s inspirational motivation, 同情, 渴望帮助他人成功, 运动能力, 和慷慨. 另外, the scholarship recognizes the importance of community service and encourages those active in supporting their community. The scholarship will be need based and will provide tuition support for a current male Bishop Ireton student who demonstrates financial need. 奖学金是由肖恩的家人慷慨提供的, 以前的同学和队友, 他的客户, and his many friends and fans to recognize the qualities which enabled him to move from a “walk-on” to an ALL-SEC defensive lineman and member of the ALL-SEC Academic Team and put his passion into successful practice as he created a world-renowned fitness company - Cardio Coach.
    The scholarship is be awarded to one or more eligible current students towards Bishop Ireton tuition. It is open to male students who will have completed at least one year at Bishop Ireton and have participated in the football and/or the wrestling programs.

    • 现在是艾尔顿主教学院的学生.
    • 参与当地社区的社区服务活动, 通过学校或他们的教区——超出学校的要求.
    • 证明经济需求,并通过FACTS完成经济援助申请.
    • 表现出对健康和保健的热情.
    • 保持2.平均成绩5分或以上.

    应用, 请提交一份详细说明学生姓名的电子信函, 资格, 申请奖学金的原因,并在主题栏注明“肖恩·奥马利奖学金” scholarships@dh865.com.
    申请必须在2月1日之前收到st 即将到来的学费奖学金年度.
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